Wednesday, September 4, 2024

The 8 Values of Free Expression

 In today's society, nothing matters more than freedom of speech. However, this freedom has become controversial because people feel it is being taken away. 

The 8 values of freedom of expression are based on the First Amendment, which allows the citizens of the United States to have a marketplace of ideas, participation in self-government, stable change, individual self-fulfillment, a check on governmental power, tolerance, innovation, and protection of dissent. Americans greatly value these values because they protect our rights and don't give the government total control. 

With today's politics, I see Checks on Governmental Power happening. In 2022, the case of Roe v Wade was overturned and ended the constitutional right to abortion. A lot of Americans were upset about the right to abortion being left up to the federal government because of the decision made in 1973. Americans didn't like that the right to abortion was left up to the federal government because they felt like their rights were taken away. Now, the decision of abortion laws is left up to each individual state, and the law may vary. For example, in Texas, abortion is banned, but in Connecticut, abortion is legal at any part of the pregnancy. 

Participation is essential in America, especially with the election coming up in the fall of 2024. In the last election in 200, there was a problem with people believing that Donald Trump and Joe Biden had cheated in the presidential election. Now, citizens worldwide are saying that everyone eligible to vote needs to do so because the fate of the United States is at stake. 

When conversing with people from other generations, they say they were never involved in politics as much as Gen Z. Many organizations, like Turning Point USA, are there for young people to get involved in politics. Organizations like Turning Point USA, among others, have emerged to harness this enthusiasm, offering platforms, resources, and opportunities for young people to engage in political discourse, advocacy, and leadership. These organizations recognize the importance of youth voices in shaping the future and actively work to empower Gen Z to become informed and influential participants in the political arena. As a result, Gen Z’s involvement in politics is not just a trend but a significant shift in how younger generations interact with and influence the political world. 

It is also essential to Protect Dissent. The government wants people to challenge it and its ideals. If everyone had the same ideas, then we would become a communist government, and no one would have their own unique thoughts. The First Amendment protects our rights to freedom of speech, so if we want to question the government on what they are doing, we have the right to do so as long as it is peaceful. Even if the government does not like what the minority has to say, they can't throw that person in jail because that would violate the First Amendment and be against the law. 

 The First Amendment protects the right to free speech, which is essential for maintaining a strong and dynamic democracy. These rights promote a society where people with different perspectives can live together, progress, and encourage responsibility and creativity. Protecting fundamental liberties is crucial to preserving a fair and balanced society where individual voices can shape the future without fear of repression and government power is restrained, even when political and social environments change.

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