Thursday, September 26, 2024


As the U.S. keeps up its military operations in various corners of the world, it is incredible how antiwar voices are mostly absent in the contemporary mainstream media. Websites like and The American Conservative feature and defend very forceful opinions against war, but those are few and far between when it comes to general conversation. So why are people seeking out these voices on lesser-known platforms? Why aren't these views in the mainstream media, and why do people have to look for them?

There is an explanation for this. It is based on the ownership and structure of the audience. Most of the most extensive media houses are run by companies with a direct interest in dealing with the government, strong defense enterprises, or other sources of income related to war. Thus, any dissenting opinion or coverage that may appear offensive to the foreign policy of the U.S. or its military operations is swept under. Instead, dominant political discourse in the media treats military action as operationally unavoidable, emphasizing tactical aspects and avoiding broader ethical or political contexts.

The article "With Attack on Yemen, the U.S. Is Shameless" from sharply criticizes the United States for its ongoing support of Saudi Arabia's military actions in Yemen. It highlights the U.S. government's hypocrisy in promoting human rights while continuing to provide arms and logistical support to a brutal military campaign that has devastated Yemen, causing widespread civilian suffering, famine, and death. The article points out that while mainstream media largely ignores or downplays U.S. complicity in the humanitarian crisis, antiwar voices must work to bring attention to this gross contradiction in U.S. foreign policy.

Likewise, The American Conservative has a critical approach to the American Empire and its policies of overseas intervention, seeking to convince those who do not align with the neocon's expansionist ideology. There is also an article entitled!. "Why Are You Still There, when the author calls ok in India and retuning the Society in pain?" there seems to be no explanation as to how and why the conventional army has not been pulled out of no victories cyber wars. The article notes that these issues, if discussed in the American print media, are rarely treated in the American press, however, out of politics, to sound reform-oriented.

Stereotypical views of the conflict and even dissent are held because a lack or absence of antiwar voices characterizes the issues raised by the media. Such audiences have to go to non-mainstream sites like or The American Conservative to engage in loam critiques of U.S. interventionism. Just as people argue about media pluralism, it is a fact that these anti-war voices are marginalized in mass media.

All in all, the primary strike against American terrorism is suffered from the absence of anti-American terrorism ideology from the American public sphere. Mainstream solutions center on arms and strategy and the prevailing political consensus, while outside the box invites consideration of why America is even doing it in the first place. To have a complete citizenry whose perspectives are less partial to the broadest segments of society, such perspectives should not only remain on the peripheries in any strategic debate.

Diffusion of Innovations

Everett Rogers, a sociologist, proposed the Diffusion of Innovation Theory in 1962 to outline the process of technology and other innovations. This theory helps us understand why particular innovations, such as social media, spread within a very short period of time, why some people are more willing to adopt them faster while others are a bit slower, and why others do not even wish to adopt them in the first place.

Sociocultural web-based applications, such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, rapidly grow within societies since they emphasize user needs, such as the need to connect, be entertained, and access information. The revolutionary nature of early technologies meant that the average early adopter, fond of innovation, immediately saw their usefulness and adopted them into their everyday routines. They influenced their friends who did not participate in the adoption campaign by using new programs that people found interesting, fun, and valuable. For instance, users could network with relatives and friends living far away from them, send pictures easily, and receive updates about news as it happens.

However, not all consumers quickly adopt the innovation. Late adopters or non-adopters might suffer from East Central or did not see any need factors. For example, many people do not even open accounts on various social networks like Facebook or Instagram due to risks like data security, trolling, or addiction. In addition, some may feel bored due to the constant sharing of posts they may not wish to participate in.

But on the other hand, non-adoption deals with losses. Social media will give valuable opportunities to reach friends or advance professionally as business networking shifts online. Still, the decision to stay cut out from such an interactive environment could have benefits, including preserving one’s peace of mind and protecting one’s privacy in the age of advertisement and aggressive targeted marketing. Many, if not all, experience adverse side effects from social networks, such as distractions, anxiety, or the need to create a beautiful picture of life that has little in common with reality.

The evaluation of the cost-benefit ratio in the introduction of new communication technologies remains a very subjective issue. In the opinion of some, what social media offers in terms of interpersonal contact and entertainment exceeds its negative aspects. On the other hand, some people consider advertising, the invasion of personal privacy, distractions, and even mental breakdowns to be excessive drawbacks to the advantages of social media platforms. Such an assessment has proved helpful for each person in determining whether this innovation is in line with their values and needs.


 In today's digital age, the question of privacy looms large for all of us. Juan Enriquez's TED Talk, Your Online Life, Permanent as a Tattoo, and Christopher Soghoian's How to Avoid Surveillance... The Phone in Your Pocket highlights the critical intersection of personal data, privacy, and the increasingly inescapable nature of surveillance. Both talks focus on the profound effects of our digital footprint, not just for ourselves but also for our families and society.

Always be mindful of the balance between convenience and safeguarding our privacy, and act responsibly in our digital interactions. Enriquez uses the tattoo analogy to underscore the need for responsible digital interactions. Every social media post, search query, and seemingly innocent interaction leaves a permanent imprint. This permanence affects us, our friends, and our family because, in essence, our online identities are etched into the digital landscape. Whether we like it or not, our past is easily accessible, potentially influencing job opportunities, relationships, and reputations.

As a result, it's challenging for me and those in my circle to disconnect from the online world. This underscores the need to carefully consider any information we share, primarily online, to avoid potential repercussions. The unsettling reality is that a seemingly innocuous post from years ago could resurface to haunt us.

Christopher Soghoian is very anxious about ordinary apparatus, so the threat layer is strange. They are the parts of our appliances, which may be even in our pockets or our handbags. There are civil liberties and integrity of other people that extractions have only an aspect of the contest which we might be towards in looking ahead. How concerned are we? If our whereabouts, speech, subsequent actions, and indeed where we would be according to predictor algorithms are the issues in question.

For my family and friends, this realization means being more selective about the technology they use. Some people have started using encrypted messaging applications or switching off location services to ensure privacy. Nevertheless, the sensation of being "on surveillance" is very offensive and, to some extent, becomes excessive as all about the devices turn to paranoia.

The government is responsible for protecting citizens from exposure, danger, violation, or any privacy breach by developing and implementing adequate and current laws that consider the problematic conditions that prevail in the information era. When it comes to data privacy, regulations should make it compulsory for companies to reveal their data gathering, retention, and dissemination practices so that users remain in control over the use of their data. In addition, there should be a more rigorous threshold connected to the period of data retention by the companies, and independent agencies should be formed to monitor the misuse of the collected data or its unauthorized access or theft. This would ensure individual rights and information protection from being commercially abused when running the business in a risky environment, as everyone's data is enticing meat for different players in the market.

However, when it comes to surveillance by the government, both the transparency of the government and accountability to the law are matters of concern. All surveillance activity must have judicial control to reduce the potential of abuse, and the public should be educated on the extent of activities to promote discussion on the appropriate conditions of existence of the state on security and citizens’ privacy. Covert surveillance is fatal, and the government, the only institution that acts in the name of 'security,' must pre-empt differential treatment of its political ideals and security with individual-based satisfaction. In this manner, governments should respect the right to privacy of the people while at the same time ensuring that their citizens retain confidence in the government institutions that serve them.

We can also do things on a personal level to ensure that our privacy is not compromised. First and foremost, encrypted applications such as Signal should be utilized. App permissions shall be limited, and privacy settings on social network sites will be checked regularly as well. But there are other steps, too. In addition, we should strive for more scrupulous privacy legislation, considering that we all receive digital 'tattoos' in some form and take part in defining the internet. Conclusively, action is needed in this age of unending encroachment into privacy. There's no doubt that technology is of great advantage to humankind. However, there is a need to compromise between technology and respect for privacy.

Friday, September 20, 2024

Instant Messaging: EOT Presentation Blog Post

Instant messaging has developed from simply exchanging text instructions into an enormous computer environment. It also includes a mechanism to control foreign correspondence courses sourced from hundreds of novels and articles or more on the World Wide Web. Audrey's presentation opened such a subject, and its specific features were pleasant to listen to.

The most exciting moment of the presentation was when she explained why, back in the '90s, when people were communicating via AOL Instant Messenger AIM /MSN Messenger, it influenced an evolving notion of what it meant to have an online identity. The buddy list and away message weren't simply instruments but features reflecting one's individuality. Most- if not all people, therefore, could create some virtual self-disguised behind statuses and icons for updates. Amazingly, this feature made everybody construct their imaginary self on IM, which began social networking as we know it now.

Mobile chat apps, notably BlackBerry Messenger and WhatsApp, were also a remarkable portion of her report. She described how BBM changed how people communicated with each other because it offered cheap and reliable communications, thus gaining the attention of the youth and the stars. But that was before I saw how the application integrated data to send messages. Deploying an affordable and accessible communication medium changed the messaging norms that people have used. It eliminated the financial constraint that SMS tended to impose and enabled people of different geographical areas and social classes to communicate without the fear of making unnoticeable phone calls.

Perspectives on updated intercom policies, like those implemented in Slack, should be considered when discussing remastered communication systems. That is how AI has changed how IM is traditionally used and turned it into a productive enterprise by doing things to enhance productivity. I was shocked that this transition made IM not just a messaging tool but also an integral part of the functioning system of any work and inter-team collaboration. This change has transformed the role of IM from a toy into an essential part of the business.
Messaging apps such as Telegram remarked on society's increasing worth of information security. With more and more people worrying about data confidentiality, the need for direction communication security has never been higher. I have been such a moron that I never imagined how crucial these services are in the modern world.
Audrey's presentation dealt not simply with the evolution of instant messaging and the rise of new services but with how these transformations redefine the order. Overall, the aspects of her presentation were the formative aspects of the early IM services, the rise of mobile messaging as a means of people's communication, and the changes like instant messaging to an effective working tool through the help of artificial intelligence. Such changes have had enormous implications regarding self-expression, socialization, and, eventually, doing business in the present world.

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Living in the Age of AI

 AI has not only advanced quickly but is also becoming an integral part of our everyday lives. From digital assistants like Siri and Alexa to more sophisticated national security, healthcare, and finance use, AI is shaping our world. However, as PBS's Frontline documentary "In the Age of AI" demonstrates, the development of AI brings with it several challenges that impact both people and society as a whole.

The potential for privacy invasion is one of the most urgent worries. Because AI systems can follow every click, purchase, and conversation—fueled by the massive amounts of personal data they gather—our digital lives become highly accessible to governments and companies. In addition to myself, my friends and family are also impacted by this invasion of privacy since they might not be aware of how much these programs access our private data. Imagine living in a society where every online and offline action is tracked and evaluated. For many of us, this is already the case.

The government should take an active role in developing laws that restrict the amount of personal data that organizations and businesses can collect and use. Although artificial intelligence technology is a great innovation tool, it must be closely watched to ensure it doesn't compromise fundamental rights. More robust data protection regulations, like the General Data Protection Regulation in Europe, could act as a template for the United States in terms of shielding its population from unnecessary data collecting. Companies utilizing AI systems should also be subject to transparency regulations so that users are aware of the use of their data.

Each of us can take action to protect our privacy. Some risks can be reduced by using secure services, exercising caution when disclosing personal information online, and keeping up with the rules of our platforms. It's critical to comprehend AI's effects and demand stronger privacy protections. In this quickly developing digital world, we can make sure that we maintain control over our personal information by being watchful and advocating for appropriate AI use.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

EOT Timeline

 The typewriter's history dates back to the 16th century and includes inventions such as Francesco Rampazetto's "scrittura tattile," a device for printing characters on paper. Many have tried to create useful tools for writing over the years, including William Austin Burt, who patented a "typographer" in 1829. Burt's invention, though, proved ineffective and unprofitable.

The invention of the first practical typewriter by newspaper editor Christopher Latham Sholes and his partners Samuel Soule and Carlos Glidden in the middle of the 19th century was a significant advancement. The goal of their 1868 prototype was to provide a quicker and more readable writing method than handwriting, which was sluggish and prone to mistakes. The team's efforts were motivated by the need for corporate communication to be productive and efficient in the industrial age.

The QWERTY keyboard was a characteristic of Sholes' design; it was made to minimize mechanical jams by spacing out frequently used characters rather than to increase typing performance. Large-scale typewriter production and marketing by Remington led to the device's rapid adoption by the corporate world, the legal profession, and journalists.

The typewriter had an immense impact on business. Office work was transformed by its ability to create documents more quickly, clearly, and consistently. This shift created new job opportunities, especially for women who started to make significant strides in the workforce as typists. The machine's contribution to increased written communication efficiency sped up administration and allowed industries to grow.

There were difficulties with the typewriter's launch. Secretary work became industrialized, even while it eliminated the issue of unreadable handwriting and labor-intensive manual writing. Many typists, specifically women, found themselves stuck doing tedious work in a highly disciplined office setting, which limited their ability to be creative and satisfied with their work. In addition, typewriters needed attention and training, which at first prevented them from being widely used in rural or small company settings.

The typewriter ultimately paved the way for later developments in communication technology despite the difficulties. It played a significant role in creating word processing programs and, eventually, the keyboard used on computers today. The fact that most keyboards still use the QWERTY layout from the typewriter attests to its everlasting influence. The typewriter started to lose use by the middle of the 20th century as computers and electronic word processors became more common, but its influence could still be seen in the digital tools we use on a daily basis.

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

The 8 Values of Free Expression

 In today's society, nothing matters more than freedom of speech. However, this freedom has become controversial because people feel it is being taken away. 

The 8 values of freedom of expression are based on the First Amendment, which allows the citizens of the United States to have a marketplace of ideas, participation in self-government, stable change, individual self-fulfillment, a check on governmental power, tolerance, innovation, and protection of dissent. Americans greatly value these values because they protect our rights and don't give the government total control. 

With today's politics, I see Checks on Governmental Power happening. In 2022, the case of Roe v Wade was overturned and ended the constitutional right to abortion. A lot of Americans were upset about the right to abortion being left up to the federal government because of the decision made in 1973. Americans didn't like that the right to abortion was left up to the federal government because they felt like their rights were taken away. Now, the decision of abortion laws is left up to each individual state, and the law may vary. For example, in Texas, abortion is banned, but in Connecticut, abortion is legal at any part of the pregnancy. 

Participation is essential in America, especially with the election coming up in the fall of 2024. In the last election in 200, there was a problem with people believing that Donald Trump and Joe Biden had cheated in the presidential election. Now, citizens worldwide are saying that everyone eligible to vote needs to do so because the fate of the United States is at stake. 

When conversing with people from other generations, they say they were never involved in politics as much as Gen Z. Many organizations, like Turning Point USA, are there for young people to get involved in politics. Organizations like Turning Point USA, among others, have emerged to harness this enthusiasm, offering platforms, resources, and opportunities for young people to engage in political discourse, advocacy, and leadership. These organizations recognize the importance of youth voices in shaping the future and actively work to empower Gen Z to become informed and influential participants in the political arena. As a result, Gen Z’s involvement in politics is not just a trend but a significant shift in how younger generations interact with and influence the political world. 

It is also essential to Protect Dissent. The government wants people to challenge it and its ideals. If everyone had the same ideas, then we would become a communist government, and no one would have their own unique thoughts. The First Amendment protects our rights to freedom of speech, so if we want to question the government on what they are doing, we have the right to do so as long as it is peaceful. Even if the government does not like what the minority has to say, they can't throw that person in jail because that would violate the First Amendment and be against the law. 

 The First Amendment protects the right to free speech, which is essential for maintaining a strong and dynamic democracy. These rights promote a society where people with different perspectives can live together, progress, and encourage responsibility and creativity. Protecting fundamental liberties is crucial to preserving a fair and balanced society where individual voices can shape the future without fear of repression and government power is restrained, even when political and social environments change.

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

The Workings of the U.S. Supreme Court

Although many people consider the Supreme Court the final arbiter of justice in the US, only some people understand how it operates. How much do we actually know about the court itself? We hear about landmark decisions and the judges' incredible authority. The videos helped me take a closer look at the Supreme Court and how it works on the inside. The Supreme Court has been around for almost 200 years and has been a vital component of the workings of the United States. 

One thing I learned about the Supreme Court is that they receive around 7,000 cases a year and only agree to hear about 100 of the cases brought to them. To decide if the Justices want to get a case to court, they will sit in a room with each other and go through the case; each Justice will say their opinion, and each Justice will only get to speak once until everyone has spoken then they will open up the room that they are confided into until they have come to a decision. All cases that go to the Supreme Court have to go through an appellate court, which is a three-judge panel. If the judges at the appellate court believe that the case is a Constitutional issue that still needs to be solved, they will send it to the Supreme Court for review. But it is surprising that out of all the cases that they review, they only decide on 100 of them. 

In my opinion, the most important takeaway is the Supreme Court's influence on how the Constitution is interpreted and how it affects American society. The parties involved in the case are not the only ones impacted by the Court's rulings; they also establish precedents that will shape the law for years or even decades. For example, Marbury v Madison is a landmark case that the Supreme Court ended up deciding and has set the standards for who is an appointed judge to this day.

The extent of secrecy surrounding the Supreme Court judges' discussions surprised me the most. The justices' deliberations and decision-making procedures are kept entirely confidential, unlike other parts of government where openness is frequently required. Because of this confidentiality, the justices are shielded from political and public pressure and can decide cases based only on their views of the law. Realizing how to cut off from outside influences their decision-making process was unexpected. 

Now, I grasp the importance and complexity of the Supreme Court's role, thanks to the videos. It prompted me to reconsider the Court's role as a legal institution and an advocate of the Constitution. The justices are not just interpreting the law, but also shaping the values that guide our nation. My respect for the weight of their decisions and the meticulous, often challenging process that underpins them has deepened as a result of this understanding. 

Monday, September 2, 2024

My Top 5 News Sources

In today's society, there has been a sizeable political controversy about what news sources people should use. From what I have seen, there are few neutral news sources, but I mostly listen to the news sources that support my political affiliation. But I also listen to news sources that give me a quick rundown of information so I can listen briefly, whether it is political, celebrity-based, or general news. 


I use TikTok as one of my primary sources for the most recent news. The platform's short-form videos are a great way to relay important information quickly and work well with my busy lifestyle. I may obtain an overview of significant events in minutes instead of devoting time to reading lengthy articles or watching extended news programs. Thanks to the diversity of content creators, I can access various viewpoints and subjects, all presented excitingly and straightforwardly. Because TikTok's algorithm ensures I'm always updated on the most important news, it's a vital tool for staying informed in today's fast-paced world.

 Real Americas Voice

I rely on Real America's Voice as a primary news source because it aligns closely with my political views. The network provides coverage and commentary that resonate with my beliefs, offering perspectives often underrepresented in mainstream media. By tuning in, I am confident that I'm receiving news that reflects my values and political affiliation, allowing me to stay informed about issues that matter most to me from a viewpoint I trust. This helps me stay connected with the political landscape and engage in discussions with a well-informed perspective. On Real America's Voice's website, segments are put on their news channel, and there are a bunch of podcasts from different people involved in the company. 


I use Instagram as a flexible platform to keep up with various topics, including general current events, politics, and celebrity gossip. I gained a comprehensive understanding of global events by keeping up with stories that span political developments and the newest trends in pop culture. I can quickly catch up on the news with Instagram's fascinating and easily accessed material. Because of the platform's variety of sources, I'm always informed about what's trending.


YouTube offers a wide range of channels and creators covering anything from breaking news to in-depth analysis, making it an excellent tool for staying updated on the news. I may select from various media types on the site, including thorough documentaries, live broadcasts, and fast updates. I can get a variety of viewpoints and news from all over on YouTube, all in understandable video. With the option to subscribe to channels and receive notifications, YouTube is a convenient news source that ensures I never miss any vital updates.


X is an incredibly useful platform for staying in the loop with what’s happening within my political party and keeping up with the latest celebrity gossip. The real-time updates and trending topics make it easy to see conversations dominating the political landscape, giving me immediate insight into the issues and ideas that matter most to my party. When I see the politicians that I like commenting on what is going on, I feel like I can go off of what they're saying and then research it more in-depth. Additionally, X is a hotspot for celebrity chatter, where I can follow what celebrities say about the latest gossip and controversies. Overall, the platform is more for commenting on what is happening than for being a straightforward news source. 





As the U.S. keeps up its military operations in various corners of the world, it is incredible how antiwar voices are mostly absent in the c...